Establishment and Activity of Chosun Marathon Academy 조선마라손보급회의 설립과 활동
심성섭SungSubShim , 조문기MoonGiCho
51(2) 1-10, 2012
Establishment and Activity of Chosun Marathon Academy 조선마라손보급회의 설립과 활동
심성섭SungSubShim , 조문기MoonGiCho
This study reviewed the details of circumstances, intents and activities with regard to the establishment of the Chosun Marathon Academy through interviews as well as the study of primary historical data such as magazines, newspapers, photographs, autobiographies, memoirs and literary works, and reached the following conclusions. The Chosun Marathon Academy was established on August 9, 1946 with a view to expanding marathon infrastructure, and scouting and training the rising marathon stars to win the championship in the fourteenth London Olympic Games. It, from that time on, played the massive role in enhancing national dignity in the world by expanding the infrastructure for marathon and uplifting athletic performance through various activities fitting in with its establishing intents, such as holding exercise gatherings, training camps and exhibitions, taking part in international contests, and hosting contests. It can be evaluated as an organization which led the golden age in the Korea's marathon history.
Key Words
Establishment and Activity, Cho-sun Marathon Academy
A Study on the Terminology of Judo During the Japanese Occupation Period 일제강점기 유도 술어에 관한 연구
조재기JaeKiJo , 유성연SungYeonYoo
51(2) 11-19, 2012
A Study on the Terminology of Judo During the Japanese Occupation Period 일제강점기 유도 술어에 관한 연구
조재기JaeKiJo , 유성연SungYeonYoo
This study examined the process of Koreanized Judo's terminology from the perspective of nationalism which was introduced as means of “Naesunilche” during the Japanese Occupation period. The results are as follows. Firstly, the promulgation of Korean Judo terminology was made for commemorating the 1st national Joseon Judo content held in October, 1929. It was a work to Koreanize Japan’s Judo and the revision of terminology to Korean was carried out for Korean people to have easy access to Judo. Secondly, the Joseon Yudanja association memers and Joseon-Ohakhoe members revised Judo terminology established in 1929 to modern Judo terminology in 1936. Thirdly, the Judo terminology that was began to use in 1929 national Joseon Judo contest continued to be used at the National Joseon middle school Judo contest in 1933 and at Boyeon friendly Judo contest in 1936. As such, the revision work of Judo terminology was a nationalistic movement through Judo and it was a type of national building PE to establish an upright country.
Key Words
judo, terminology, Japanese Occupation period
The Derivation of Golf Terminology and Historic Significance 골프 용어의 유래와 역사적 의미
하남길NamGilHa , 박재현JaeHyeunPark
51(2) 21-34, 2012
The Derivation of Golf Terminology and Historic Significance 골프 용어의 유래와 역사적 의미
하남길NamGilHa , 박재현JaeHyeunPark
Among terminologies contain internally a history of humanity and sports jargons and terminologies are the same. Under this assumption, this article selects some every day words which bear a different meaning as golf terminology and explore the origins and the historical significance of these terminologies. The findings can be summarized as follows. First, the terms “links” and “bunker” signify the natural environment as it comes from the fact that golf began in “linksland”. “Country Club” and “Golf Club” are used as interchangeable terms now but golf began as a sport centred in country clubs and in this terminology, the a history of social hierarchy, religious and gender discrimination is evident. Second, “bogey”, “par” and “birdie” are all terminologies which reflect in their origin and transformation the distinctive British culture of tradition and the American emphasis of fairness. Third, caddie comes from a French word which means “boy” and terms such as “grand slam” and “Green Jacket” reflect the rapid diffusion of golf in the American upper class which is distinctive of American culture.
Key Words
terminologies of golf, history of golf
Exploring the Ground of PE Teachers' Instructional Professionalism in the Context of Attitude Changes 태도 변경을 통한 체육수업전문성의 개념 탐색
51(2) 35-50, 2012
Exploring the Ground of PE Teachers' Instructional Professionalism in the Context of Attitude Changes 태도 변경을 통한 체육수업전문성의 개념 탐색
Although the interest in teachers' instructional professionalism is now increasing as the teacher evaluation system has been conducted, PE teachers' instructional professionalism has been out of focus until now. This paper aimed to explore the ground of PE teachers' instructional professionalism in the context of attitude changes which mean the phenomenological reduction. As a result, the shape of PE teachers' instructional professionalism was uncovered by 3 attitude changes that was composed of 'sport-centered attitude' and 'character-centered attitude' which had been dominant at a field of physical education teacher education, and 'meaning-centered attitude' that was an alternative one. The method of describing each of 3 attitudes included discussing historical and philosophical background of attitudes and interest of PE teachers. Finally, this paper described the essence of meaning- centered attitude to allow PE teachers to improve their instructional professionalism.
Key Words
attitude changes, phenomenological reduction, PE teachers' instructional professionalism
Their Own Learning: Ethnography for The Learning of Athlete-Students 그들만의 학습: 학생선수의 학습에 대한 문화기술지
김무진MooJinKim , 정희준HeeJoonChung
51(2) 51-62, 2012
Their Own Learning: Ethnography for The Learning of Athlete-Students 그들만의 학습: 학생선수의 학습에 대한 문화기술지
김무진MooJinKim , 정희준HeeJoonChung
This study has tried to understand the meaning of the learning for athlete-students and its surrounding concepts. In order to do this, Ethnography, one of the quality research, was applied. Nineteen participants in this study were selected through the way of ideal case selections among standardized selection methods. These data were collected based upon these students through interview, most of which were analysed on the basis of Spradley's analytic method. The result of this analysis could be classified as 'the start of their own learning and formation of networks', and 'the meaning of their own learning'. They had a high tendency to be absent from class as usual when they had incoming sports events as a member of athletic club. Most of them were not interested in studying and started doing this sports for the purpose of entering advanced schools. The learning from these students was encouraged by the will of their coaches, and its meaning showed that their agony and skepticism finally turned into pride even though they started with some kind of curiosity. Also, their study proved to play a key role as a medium acting as positive connection between normal students and teachers in school life. However, the learning process forced to the students under the existing activity system consequently seems to have the limitation which cannot get away from the argument in such a structural environment and current situation.
Key Words
Ethnography, athlete-students, study
A Qualitative Approach to the Problems and Development Plans of Korea Women's Football League 한국 여자축구 리그의 문제점과 발전 방안에 관한 질적 접근
권세영SeYoungKwon , 임수원SooWoenLim , 이원희WonHeeLee
51(2) 63-76, 2012
A Qualitative Approach to the Problems and Development Plans of Korea Women's Football League 한국 여자축구 리그의 문제점과 발전 방안에 관한 질적 접근
권세영SeYoungKwon , 임수원SooWoenLim , 이원희WonHeeLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the problems of WK-League, and find ways to solve them. To achieve this goal, the qualitative research method was chosen and by using a purposeful sampling, 11 related people of WK-League were selected as major participants in the research. The research data was collected through non-participant observation, in-depth interviews, and relevant document collection. The collection of data through NVivo 9, and they were classified into two categories: the problems and development planning ways. Viewed from the in/directly related people, the conclusion of the problematic part was drawn as follows: the controversy on refereeing decisions and referees' lacking qualifications, negligency in caring about the formal web-site of KWFF, weak base of players, low awareness about women soccer, inadequate administrative and financial supporting system, low annual income and unstability as a job and so on. For these reasons, the development planning ways were suggested by onsite related people as below: placement of qualifying referees and better treatment for referees, mutual cooperative management of a formal web-site, base expansion of players through supporting young girls' soccer teams in each club, increasing fans of women soccer by regional connections, showing visions for related organizations and supports from the government, improvement of player treatment and welfare and so on.
Key Words
WK-league, Korea women's football, problems of WK-league, development plans of WK-league
Sport Fans' Meanings to Sporting Spaces 스포츠팬의 경기장 공간의 의미부여에 관한 연구-야구장과 축구장을 중심으로
조성식SeongSikCho , 고은하EunHaKoh , 김성훈SungHunKim
51(2) 77-85, 2012
Sport Fans' Meanings to Sporting Spaces 스포츠팬의 경기장 공간의 의미부여에 관한 연구-야구장과 축구장을 중심으로
조성식SeongSikCho , 고은하EunHaKoh , 김성훈SungHunKim
This study was designed to develop the indices of fans' spatial meanings to stadia and to figure out the differences in their meanings by socio-demographic characteristics including sex, age, education and sport community membership. through free association, words which are represented as fans' spatial meanings to stadia were extracted and these questionnaire items are developed by them. 1,200 professional baseball and football fans were selected for this study and factor analysis, t-test and one-way ANOVA were employed. 7 important spatial meaning factors of stadia such as community, carnival, playfulness, comfortableness, commercialism, localism, and natural seeking were found. The results are as followed: First male fans have stronger meanings of localism, comfortableness, natural seeking, and commercialism than female fans but female fans have stronger playfulness; second, younger fans have stronger feelings of carnival, localism, comfortableness, natural seeking, and commercialism. 20s and 30s fans have relatively higher playfulness and community senses; third, fans with lower educational background put great emphasis upon localism, comfortableness and commercialism while highly educated fans pay a great attention to community sense; finally fans who used to be or are now a member of sport on-line or off-line communities have stronger feelings about all 7 spacial meanings than those who are not.
Key Words
sporting spaces, stadia, spatial meanings
The Study on Influences Among Sports Participants' Physical Self-Perception, Flow and Subjective Well-Being 생활체육참여자의 신체적 자기지각이 운동몰입 및 주관적 행복감에 미치는 영향
권순재SoonJaeKwon , 전형상HyeongSangJeon
51(2) 87-96, 2012
The Study on Influences Among Sports Participants' Physical Self-Perception, Flow and Subjective Well-Being 생활체육참여자의 신체적 자기지각이 운동몰입 및 주관적 행복감에 미치는 영향
권순재SoonJaeKwon , 전형상HyeongSangJeon
The purpose of this study is to examine influences among sports participants' physical self-perception, flow and subjective well-being. To achieve the goal, set up a research model and research object extracted out of 400 count out 42, questionnaire, 358 factor analysis and reliability analysis used for measuring Self-perception are as exogenous variables, flow and subjective well-being are as endogenous variables.multiple linear regression analysis and goodness of fit test used with SPSS 12.0 for Windows, As a result to self-perception of sports participants had an effect to sports flow and subjective well-being, sports flow had an effect to subjective well-being.
An Ethnographic Study of Korean-Americans Participating in Leisure Activity 재미 한인의 여가활동에 관한 문화기술적 연구
51(2) 97-110, 2012
An Ethnographic Study of Korean-Americans Participating in Leisure Activity 재미 한인의 여가활동에 관한 문화기술적 연구
The purpose of this study was to explore on leisure activity of the Korean Americans in the United States. The research method was accepted a ethnography. This study collected and analyzed data of in-depth interview and participation observation for 12 research informants(9 men and 3 women) living in the United States. Finding of this study indicate that the leisure activity of the Korean Americans in the United States. There are four results were revealed. Firstly, leisure activity as a social meaning were indicated as three categorizations: the basis in family forms, symbol of achievement, formation of social network Secondly, the leisure activity are the basis in cultural adjustment for the Korean Americans; accept to the new culture, cultural acculturation. Thirdly, it's look for quality of ethnic identity; inherit the ethnic identity, identify of ethnic identity, reconstituting of ethnic identity. Finally, it's must do away with leisure constraints: isolated leisure activity, absence of leisure education, general condition of leisure constraints. This suggests that it possible to understand the importance of leisure activity in the life for Korean Americans in the United States.
Key Words
Korean immigrants, leisure activity, Ethnograph
An Analysis of Current Conditions of Athletic School 독일의 청소년우수선수 발굴 및 육성을 위한 체육학교 정책에 대한 고찰
김흥남HongNamKim , 김동희DongHeeKim
51(2) 111-120, 2012
An Analysis of Current Conditions of Athletic School 독일의 청소년우수선수 발굴 및 육성을 위한 체육학교 정책에 대한 고찰
김흥남HongNamKim , 김동희DongHeeKim
Advanced countries have reinforced promotion policies of elite sports education for continuous political functions such as enhancement of national status and national unity through sports. In particular, they consider excavating good adolescents with athletic ability and nurturing them as national representatives as important factors of powerful sports countries. The conditions of athletic schools in Germany which were identified to excavate good adolescents and develop methods to nurture them are presented as follows: First, the system to excavate adolescents with good athletic ability and nurture them as representatives is organized. Second, various sports school systems to nurture good athletes are established. Third, olympic support centers support intensive training of items to nurture. Fourth, training is presented after school and enough leisure time is provided for self-development. Fifth, non-governmental organizations participate in nurturing good athletes. Sixth, psychotherapists serve for the olympic support centers in order to have high academic achievement and to prevent dropout.
Key Words
excavating and nurturing adolescents with good athletic ability, athletic school, olympic support centers
An Advanced Strategies of Administration System for Korea NGBs Through the Success of UK NGBs 영국 경기단체의 성공사례를 통한 국내 경기단체의 체육행정시스템 선진화 방안
51(2) 121-134, 2012
An Advanced Strategies of Administration System for Korea NGBs Through the Success of UK NGBs 영국 경기단체의 성공사례를 통한 국내 경기단체의 체육행정시스템 선진화 방안
The purpose of this study explored good practice in National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) in the United Kingdom (UK) and shares these lessons to having toward international competiveness for National Governing Bodies of Sport in Korea. In order to conduct the research, secondary research primarily and in-depth interview were selected from four UK NGBs of Chief Executive officer. The in-depth interview data were analyzed using content analysis. The findings from the research gave the best practice guidance for NGBs in Korea to consider where relevant. In terms of external, NGBs in Korea need to change in public policy and administration system, the government’s substantial financial support and the establishment of performance measurement system. Regarding the internal change in NGBs can be divided individual level and organizational level. Individual level in NGBs should build a leadership of board and committee and volunteers in HR management. In terms of organization should visible business development, a strong management structure, an extension of the concept of marketing, IT system.
The Effect of Sports Personship of Adolescent Judo Players on Self-Control and Non-Violence 청소년 유도선수의 스포츠퍼슨십이 자기통제력 및 비폭력성에 미치는 영향
한송이SongYiHan , 김준JunKim , 이근모KeunMoLee
51(2) 135-146, 2012
The Effect of Sports Personship of Adolescent Judo Players on Self-Control and Non-Violence 청소년 유도선수의 스포츠퍼슨십이 자기통제력 및 비폭력성에 미치는 영향
한송이SongYiHan , 김준JunKim , 이근모KeunMoLee
This study aims to empirically showed the effect of sports personship of adolescent judo players on their self-control and non-violence and the cause-effect relationship among the factors to provide a basic empirical data for the future studies on adolescent sports. In order to accomplish this aim, the purposeful sampling was applied for the middle school and high school judo players registered in Korea Judo Association in 2010 and the data for 336 valid samples were analyzed. The method of data analysis for hypothesis testing includes explorative factor analysis, multiple regression analysis. The results are showed as following. First, it found that sports personship had a positive effect on self-control. Second, it found that sports personship had a positive effect on non-violence. Third, it found that sports self-control had a positive effect on non-violence.
Cross Sectional Tendency of Football Performance Perception 축구선수 경기력 지각의 횡단적 경향성
윤영길YoungKilYun , 전재연JaeYounJeon
51(2) 147-155, 2012
Cross Sectional Tendency of Football Performance Perception 축구선수 경기력 지각의 횡단적 경향성
윤영길YoungKilYun , 전재연JaeYounJeon
This research were conducted to analyze cross sectional tendency with self and other's performance perception from elementary school players to professional players in football. Perception of performance questionnaire were conducted to 1,127 players, The results are as follows; First, the professional and elementary school players tend to evaluate their performance positively compared to the middle school, high school and university players, and this type of perception tendency manifested significant difference depending on the teams that they belonged to. Second, the professional and elementary school players tend to evaluate the performance of other players more positively compared to the middle school, high school and university players. This type of perception tendency manifested significant difference depending on the teams that they belong to except for the mediate technic. Third, cross-sectional tendency of players’ performance perception targeting elementary school team players to professional players based on the average of the self and other performance perception, which demonstrated that the elementary school players tend to perceive their performance positively. This tendency tend to decrease to middle and high schools. Then, this tendency increased to the university and professional teams. As for the perception on others’ game performance, elementary school players tend to manifest relatively high perception, but this decreased when they moved up to the middle school. This level was maintained while they were in high school and university while it tend to increase once again when they were in professional teams.
Key Words
football players, performance perception, self-perception, other-perception, social comparison, cross-sectional tendency study
The Examination of Time-series Stability on Self-determination Motivation Theory for Sport Performance Anticipation: Latent Growth Modeling Application 스포츠 수행 예측을 위한 자결성 이론의 시계열적 안정성 검증 : 잠재 성장 모형 적용
51(2) 157-167, 2012
The Examination of Time-series Stability on Self-determination Motivation Theory for Sport Performance Anticipation: Latent Growth Modeling Application 스포츠 수행 예측을 위한 자결성 이론의 시계열적 안정성 검증 : 잠재 성장 모형 적용
This study was to anticipate sport performance by examining time-series stability of self-determination motivation theory with applying latent Growth model. In order to complete research purpose, 723 athletes were selected as research participants and responded on questionnaires in time-series(pre-season, season, post-season). The content validity of questionnaires were examined and multi-dimensional relationship between factors were confirmed. As the result of structural fit test on self-determination motivation model, there was an interaction between athletes' environment coach-athlete behavior fit factor and athletes' individual factor Causality Orientation. Consequently, the interaction of these two factors effected on psychological needs satisfaction and psychological needs satisfaction influenced on sport behavior regulation. Furthermore, sport behavior regulation anticipated sport performance both directly and indirectly through self-regulation focus and goal-oriented emotion. Therefore, structural relationship of self-determination motivation model effectively explained the process of motivation behavior related with sport performance of athletes through structural fit test. Finally, as the result of examination on time-series stability of self-determination motivation model with applying latent Growth model, motivational behavior of athletes were increased as the season went and sport performance was anticipated stably.
Key Words
self-determination theory, time-series stability, latent growth model, sport performance
Development and Validation of Sports Interdependence Scale Using Demographic Comparison 스포츠 상호의존성 측정도구 개발과 배경변인 간 비교
신명진MyoungJinShin , 심윤식YunSikShim
51(2) 169-178, 2012
Development and Validation of Sports Interdependence Scale Using Demographic Comparison 스포츠 상호의존성 측정도구 개발과 배경변인 간 비교
신명진MyoungJinShin , 심윤식YunSikShim
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate sports interdependence scale. A total of 429 athletes were recruited from various sports which were soccer, field hockey, baseball, basketball, team handball, and volleyball. On the basis of theoretical tenet and empirical findings, sport psychologists and business administration expertises identified sports interdependence sub-scales: role in/outside of the game, recognition of team's goal, belief abut win, sharing information, and created forty-five preliminary items. From exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, twenty-three sport interdependence scale items were selected and grouped into five factors. Factorial invariance (configurational, metric, uniqueness, and factor variance invariance) test indicated that the sports interdependence scale was valid across sports types, school years, gender, and starter/reserve. The results of the latent means analyses indicated that the mean scores of starter and college athletes were significantly higher than the mean scores of reserve and high school athletes across five sub-factors of sports interdependence scale. In addition, athletes playing baseball, soccer, and field hockey showed significantly higher mean scores than the mean of basketball, volleyball, and team handball player. research finding also indicated that there was also significant difference in role in the game and recognition of team's goal.
Key Words
sports interdependence, factorial invariance, latent mean
Relationship Among Social Support, Life Satisfaction and Health Promotion Behavior of Leisure Sport Participants 여가스포츠 활동 참여자의 사회적지지, 생활만족 및 건강증진행위의 관계
오은택EunTaekOh , 김성주SungJooKim , 윤영구YeongKooYun
51(2) 179-188, 2012
Relationship Among Social Support, Life Satisfaction and Health Promotion Behavior of Leisure Sport Participants 여가스포츠 활동 참여자의 사회적지지, 생활만족 및 건강증진행위의 관계
오은택EunTaekOh , 김성주SungJooKim , 윤영구YeongKooYun
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among social support, life satisfaction and health promotion behavior of leisure sport participants. This study consisted of 250 leisure sport participants selected by convenience sampling method. Researched material was analyzed using SPSS 17.0 and AMOS 7.0 program to draw exploratory-confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis using Cronbach's α and structure model analysis. The analyzed facts were as following. First, social support of leisure sport participants had not influence on life satisfaction. Second, social support of leisure sport participants had positive influence on health promotion behavior. Third, life satisfaction of leisure sport participants had not influence on health promotion behavior.
Key Words
social support, life satisfaction, health promotion behavior, leisure sport
The Relationships Between Values, Outcome Expectancy, Engagement, and Academic Achievement in Physical Education: The Moderating Effect of Perceived Task Difficulty and Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy 체육수업의 가치와 결과기대, 과제관여, 학업성취와의 관계: 과제난이도의 조절효과와 자기효능감의 매개효과
51(2) 189-201, 2012
The Relationships Between Values, Outcome Expectancy, Engagement, and Academic Achievement in Physical Education: The Moderating Effect of Perceived Task Difficulty and Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy 체육수업의 가치와 결과기대, 과제관여, 학업성취와의 관계: 과제난이도의 조절효과와 자기효능감의 매개효과
This study examined whether perceived task difficulty moderated the relationships between perceived task values, outcome expectancy, task engagement, and academic achievement in physical education classes. It also examined the mediating roles of self-efficacy in an alternative model with perceived task difficulty and invariance across gender. Participants were 760 male and female middle school students. The results of structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis were as follows: (1) When perceived task difficulty was high, task values predicted self-efficacy and task engagement, whereas outcome expectancy predicted self-efficacy which, in turn, positively contributed to task engagement and academic achievement. (2) When perceived task difficulty was low, task values and outcome expectancy predicted self-efficacy, and task values had a stronger impact on task engagement compared to low group. But self-efficacy did not predict task engagement and academic achievement. (3) Self-efficacy fully mediated the relationships between task values, task difficulty, and academic achievement. (4) Compared to female students, male students' outcome expectancy had a stronger effect on self-efficacy, whereas female students' perceived task difficulty and self-efficacy had a stronger effect on academic achievement than their counterpart. Results highlight the importance of adjusting the level of task difficulty appropriately and facilitating self-efficacy for academic achievement.
This study aims to verify the relation among coach-athlete fit, psychological need satisfaction, and athletic burnout based on the theory of Person-Environment Fit, Self-Determination Theory(SDT). To this end, collected were the responses of ssireum(Korean wrestling) players(n=94) and badminton players(n=125) on coach-athlete fit, psychological need satisfaction, and the level of athletic burnout. Based on the data, implemented were correlation analysis, canonical correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that as to the relation between coach-athlete fit and psychological need satisfaction, skill training was the predicting factor of relatedness needs, condition controlling of autonomy needs, and match type and training type of need for competence, and that as to the relation between psychological need satisfaction and athletic burnout, relatedness need was the predicting factor of mental/physical exhaustion and lack of achievement. In addition, as to the relation between coach-athletic fit and athletic burnout, it turned out that skill training was the predicting factor of mental/physical exhaustion, lack of achievement, and value loss. In the analysis of the structural equation for the hypothetical model, significance was shown in the following process: coach-athletic fit→psychology need satisfaction, psychological need satisfaction→athletic burnout, coach-athletic fit →athletic burnout. Based on the results above, discussed were the theoretical framework of person-environment fit, self determination motive, and athletic burnout in the integral context.
Evaluation of School Sport Club Foster Project Policy Using the IPA Method IPA 기법을 활용한 학교스포츠클럽 육성사업 추진정책 평가
전정선JeongSeonJeon , 윤양진YangJinYoon
51(2) 215-225, 2012
Evaluation of School Sport Club Foster Project Policy Using the IPA Method IPA 기법을 활용한 학교스포츠클럽 육성사업 추진정책 평가
전정선JeongSeonJeon , 윤양진YangJinYoon
This study is to identify estimation of instructors as method of IPA to policy for school sport club foster project to provide basic data that are required to proceed policy of school sport club foster project for enhancing effectiveness of the field. School sport club of 428 instructors in the field were selected using purposeful sampling and for analysis, SPSS Window Program Ver. 18.0 was used to pared samples t-test, IPA matrix. The results were as follows. First, in the field of school sport club turned out to aware 'financial support' and 'acquisition of facilities' as prerequisites requiring improvements in concentration. Second, as for entire policies of school sport club Foster Project, it turned out that they acknowledge 'efforts of making policy and acquisition of participating,' 'financial support from funding institution,' 'financial support for purchasing club items,' 'financial support for managing club members,' 'effective support and supervision management of the budgets,' 'establishment of foundation for activities including night light facilities,' 'reflection of opinion from instructors when expanding facilities,' 'program management considering uniqueness and characteristics of regions and schools,' 'management of program in cooperation with regional sport club,' 'intensification of advertisement activities as to themes of participation', 'development and distribution of program in cooperation with superior sport activities,' and 'education and seminars regarding school sport club' as 14 items requiring improvement in concentration.
Key Words
policy of school sport club foster project, improvements in concentration, importance-performance analysis
A Valuation of Korean Professional Baseball Team Based on Discounted Cash Flow Model 현금할인모형에 근거한 프로야구단의 가치평가
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a sports team's value by using a DCF model, which is known as a financial valuation tool. Through this study, we provided valuation information for teams who are considering acquiring another team in the future. For this study, we used the financial statements for the last 6 years of the D professional baseball team. We projected future cash flows based on these financial statements. Discounted rates were applied to the valuation model to account for risk. Our study resulted in an estimated value of the D professional baseball team to be at 122 billion Won. Moreover, the followings are analyzed. First, the D baseball team is highly valued due to its growing number of spectators and fans. Secondly, as the number of spectators continues to grow, revenue from sponsorship and broadcasting rights will also increase. Thirdly, professional baseball teams will be able to become financially independent as revenues continue to increase. Fourth, if business rights in stadiums are signed over to baseball teams from local governments, the value of those teams could increase.
The Effect of the Organization-Public Relationship of Korea Sports Promotion Foundation on Public's Satisfaction and Loyalty 국민체육진흥공단의 조직-공중관계성이 공중 만족 및 충성도에 미치는 영향
김종훈JongHoonKim , 이정학JeoungHakLee
51(2) 237-248, 2012
The Effect of the Organization-Public Relationship of Korea Sports Promotion Foundation on Public's Satisfaction and Loyalty 국민체육진흥공단의 조직-공중관계성이 공중 만족 및 충성도에 미치는 영향
김종훈JongHoonKim , 이정학JeoungHakLee
This study was aimed to furnish the basic empirical data for materializing an differentiated image of Korea Sports Promotion Foundation and provide effective managing method by looking through the relationship Organization-Public Relationship of Korea Sports Promotion, satisfaction of public and loyalty. By using convenience sampling method, a survey was given out in Seoul and Gyeonggi, who take cognizance of Korea Sports Promotion Foundation. And total of 478 questionnaires were used as final validity sample. For data analysis, SPSS Ver.12.0 was used for frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation relative analysis and multiple regression analysis. And the results are as follows. First, 'credibility', 'managing ability', and 'community contribution of sports' sub-factors of public relationship components of Korea Sports Promotion Foundation had significant influence on public's satisfaction. Second, 'credibility', 'friendliness', 'managing ability' and 'sports development contribution' sub-factors of Korea Sports Promotion Foundation organization-public relationship had significant influence on public's loyalty.
Key Words
organization-public relationship, korea sports promotion, pulic
The Relationships Among Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Performance Competency of the Sports Center Instructors 스포츠센터지도자의 감성지능과 업무수행능력의 관계에 대한 연구: 조직시민행동의 매개효과검증
주형철HyungChulJoo , 이민규MinKyuLee , 임범규BumGyuIm
51(2) 249-261, 2012
The Relationships Among Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Performance Competency of the Sports Center Instructors 스포츠센터지도자의 감성지능과 업무수행능력의 관계에 대한 연구: 조직시민행동의 매개효과검증
주형철HyungChulJoo , 이민규MinKyuLee , 임범규BumGyuIm
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of emotional intelligence on organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) and job performance competency of the sports center instructors. This study also examined the mediated effect of OCB in the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance competency. The model was tested using SPSS 16.0 and AMOS 16.0 based on a sample of 414 surveys. The statistic analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis and correlation analysis were carried out by using SPSS 16.0. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were carried out by using AMOS 16.0.The major findings of the empirical research are as follows. First, one factor of emotional intelligence(other people emotion understanding) had significant effect on job performance competency. Second, All factor of emotional intelligence(self emotion understanding, other people emotion understanding, emotion utilization, emotion control) had significant effect on OCB. Third, OCB had signifiant effect on job performance competency. Fourth, OCB had mediation effects between intelligence(self emotion understanding, other people emotion understanding, emotion utilization, emotion control) and job performance competency.
Relative Importance Value and Perception of Factors Involved in Choosing Water Ski Resort 수상스키장 선택 요인에 대한 상대적 중요도 및 지각 연구
김헌일HunIlKim , 김정현JungHyunKim
51(2) 263-277, 2012
Relative Importance Value and Perception of Factors Involved in Choosing Water Ski Resort 수상스키장 선택 요인에 대한 상대적 중요도 및 지각 연구
김헌일HunIlKim , 김정현JungHyunKim
The purpose of this study is to investigate the key factors that customers take into account when they choice water ski resort. To conduct this study, an image-based poster and 12 of profile card were created through partial factor design. Data used to analyze for this study were collected from a total of 328 people who were visiting 39 different water ski resorts in the nation. A conjoint analysis yielded relative importance of each factor and then a perceptual map was acquired through a multidimensional scaling with the part-worth estimate. Among the most important factors in choosing water ski resort were the surface condition of water as well as the distance. This suggests that optimal location be determined by considering initial investment costs, natural environment, related policies as well as local administration and conditions. It is also suggested that various marketing strategies be invented by product development as well as promotion in order to drag customers attention. Finally, service quality and expertise of couch and boat drivers should be enhanced and the investors should refresh their perception of the unique subculture of water skiers and consider them as an important marketing factor.
Key Words
importance value, sport tourism, water ski, conjoint analysis
The Effect of Caddies' Exchange Relationship in Golf Courses on Job Satisfaction and Service Performance 골프장 캐디의 교환관계가 직무만족과 서비스 수행에 미치는 영향
51(2) 279-289, 2012
The Effect of Caddies' Exchange Relationship in Golf Courses on Job Satisfaction and Service Performance 골프장 캐디의 교환관계가 직무만족과 서비스 수행에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this research is to define the sharing relationship related to caddies' work by applying LMX, TMX, and CMX to recognize whether such sharing relationship has an influence on job satisfaction, and to verify what causal relationship has the implement of service and their job satisfaction. In order to accomplish this purpose, after this research selected female caddies who are working in the membership golf course located in Gyeonggi-do as a population, a total of 400 persons were sampled by using the convenience sampling method. Effective samples of 366 persons that excluded materials of 34 persons who are judged as what the response content is poor or reliability is insufficient were used for this research. After executing frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and confirmative factor analysis for data processing, this research has obtained the following results by executing model analysis of a structural equation. First, it appeared that LMX perceived by a caddie has a positive influence on job satisfaction. Second, it appeared that TMX perceived by a caddie has a positive influence on job satisfaction. Third, it appeared that CMX perceived by a caddie has a positive influence on job satisfaction. Fourth, it appeared that the job satisfaction has a positive influence on service performance.
Key Words
The Workplace Health Improvement and Workplace Sport Policy of Germany and Implications for Korea 독일의 직장건강증진 및 직장체육 정책과 시사점
51(2) 291-304, 2012
The Workplace Health Improvement and Workplace Sport Policy of Germany and Implications for Korea 독일의 직장건강증진 및 직장체육 정책과 시사점
This study aims to examine workplace health improvement an workplace sport polices of Germany with well-developed sport infrastructure and to draw a suggestion to present a plan to activate the workplace sport in Korea on the basis of that. The method to study literature was used to achieve this objective of study. First, the Labor Protection Act, the Legal Health Insurance Act, the Legal Occupational Health and Safety Insurance Act and so in are the laws related to workplace health improvement in Germany. Second, in Germany, workplace sport is being promoted through the cooperation of civil insurance companies and nonprofit public institutions under the management and supervision of the Federal Health Department. Third, the German workplace sport policy in the area of sports is being led by the German Workplace sport Federation, which is a formal joining body of the German Olympics Sports Society under the Federal Home Affairs Department. It is required to improve the recognition of companies about workplace health improvement business and to establish laws and regulations and systems in which the businesses of labor, health care and welfare, sport area can be associated with each other in order to improve the workplace health and to activate the workplace sport in Korea.
Key Words
sport policy, workplace health improvement, workplace sport, Germany
A Study on Causality Among Leisure Identity Salience, Leisure Constraints Negotiation, and Intentions for Participating Leisure Activity 여가제약 수준에 따른 여가정체성 현출성, 여가제약 협상전략 및 여가활동 참가의도 간의 인과관계 검증
오세숙SaeSookOh , 신규리KyuLeeShin , 연분홍BoonHongYeon
51(2) 305-314, 2012
A Study on Causality Among Leisure Identity Salience, Leisure Constraints Negotiation, and Intentions for Participating Leisure Activity 여가제약 수준에 따른 여가정체성 현출성, 여가제약 협상전략 및 여가활동 참가의도 간의 인과관계 검증
오세숙SaeSookOh , 신규리KyuLeeShin , 연분홍BoonHongYeon
This study estimated the causal relationship among leisure identity salience (LIS), leisure constraints negotiation (LCN), and intentions to participate in leisure activity (IPLA). For this, we estimated structural equation models controlled by leisure constraints, and we used data collected from 296 college students residing in Seoul and Kyoung-gi providence. The following was obtained. First, for both groups with high and low levels of leisure constraints, LIS positively caused LCN, and this became more evident for the group with high level of leisure constraint. Second, for the group with low level of leisure constraints, LIS positively and directly caused IPLA, whereas this causal relationship could not observed from the group with high level of leisure constraints. Nevertheless, it indirectly and positively caused IPLA though LCN for the same group. This implies that the mediative role of LCN became more important as the level of leisure constraints became more restrictive. Further, we separately showed that the role of LIS was important in the process of LCN.
The Effects of Service Quality on Customer’s Satisfaction and Revisit Intention for the Domestic Ski Resorts as a Leisure facility 여가시설로서 국내 스키리조트의 서비스 품질이 고객만족, 재방문의도에 미치는 영향
51(2) 315-325, 2012
The Effects of Service Quality on Customer’s Satisfaction and Revisit Intention for the Domestic Ski Resorts as a Leisure facility 여가시설로서 국내 스키리조트의 서비스 품질이 고객만족, 재방문의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the service quality, customer satisfaction and revisit intention for all operating ski resorts in Korea. This study was conducted by separating the entire domestic ski areas by the three investigations. Through a field study, a total of 1963 skiers from 17 operating ski resorts was appropriately selected and responded to the survey questionnaire. It was analyzed by using spss 13.0 and amos 5.0. The results can be summarized as follows. Firstly, the service quality of all domestic ski resorts affected satisfaction of the customers. Secondly, the service quality of all domestic ski resorts affected revisit intention of customers. Thirdly, the customers' satisfaction on the domestic ski resorts affected revisit intention of the customers.
Key Words
ski resort, service quality, customer's satisfaction, revisit intention
The Effects on the Leisure Attitude of Physical Activity Emotion and Motivation of Participation in General Education Golf Class of University Students 대학생의 교양골프 수업 참여 동기 및 운동정서가 여가태도에 미치는 영향
김명선MyungSunKim , 김송희SongHeeKim
51(2) 327-335, 2012
The Effects on the Leisure Attitude of Physical Activity Emotion and Motivation of Participation in General Education Golf Class of University Students 대학생의 교양골프 수업 참여 동기 및 운동정서가 여가태도에 미치는 영향
김명선MyungSunKim , 김송희SongHeeKim
The purpose of this study is to investigate into the motivation of participation in general education golf class and emotion when students feel during the class and analyze the effects of factors into students' leisure attitudes. The 241 targets of this study who participated in general education golf class in Seoul and Kyoungki province and did not major in Physical Education were selected and it was taken in accordance with convenience sampling and judgemental sampling for the selection of study targets. In this study, questionnaire was used as research tool and finding contents were analyzed with SPSS 12.0 for Correlation, Regression. Followings are the result of this study. First, there was the silent interrelation among the factors of motivation of participation in physical activity, emotion of pysical activity, leisure attitudes. Second, it was found that factors of physical fitness for health had the biggest effects on the leisure attitudes among the motivations. The third, in physical activity' emotions, vitality factors had the biggest effects on the leisure attitudes.
Key Words
leisure attitude, physical activity emotion, motivation of participation, general education golf class, university students
The Relationship Between High School Students' Participation in e-Sports Activities and School Life, Sociability, Juvenile Delinquency 고등학생의 e-스포츠참가정도와 학교생활, 사회성, 비행의 관계
김홍록HongRokKim , 이광욱KwangUkLee
51(2) 337-345, 2012
The Relationship Between High School Students' Participation in e-Sports Activities and School Life, Sociability, Juvenile Delinquency 고등학생의 e-스포츠참가정도와 학교생활, 사회성, 비행의 관계
김홍록HongRokKim , 이광욱KwangUkLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of high school students' participation in e-Sports activities on sociality and juvenile delinquency. By purposive sampling, we collected 531 high school students - who participated in e-Sports activities - in KyungIn area. We implemented factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis by SPSS 18.0. The result is as follows: 1) the period of the participation in e-Sports activities had a positive influence on the relationship between the participants and their teachers/friends, but the time of the participation had a negative influence. Also, the frequency of the participation had a negative impact on school regulations; 2) the period of the participation had a positive influence on sociability and dominance, but the time of the participation had a negative impact; 3) The frequency of the participation had a negative influence on status offenses and violence offenses and the time of the participation had a negative impact on violence offenses.
Key Words
Sports activities, sociality, juvenile delinquency, high school students
A Case Study on a High School Dance Class Applied with the Blended Learning Blended Learning을 적용한 고등학교 무용수업의 사례 연구
배수을SuEulBae , 정옥조OkJoChung
51(2) 347-368, 2012
A Case Study on a High School Dance Class Applied with the Blended Learning Blended Learning을 적용한 고등학교 무용수업의 사례 연구
배수을SuEulBae , 정옥조OkJoChung
The study aims to analyze the‘learning effect’ and the ‘applicability’ in depth through a high school dance class case applied with the Blended Learning. A Case Study method is applied among the qualitative studies in order to achieve the study objective. The participants include 10 female students attending G-High School located in Gangdong-gu, Seoul, selected based on the purposeful sampling. The necessary information is collected through the dance class blog comments, photos & video clips, in-depth consultation, daily reports, documentary survey and so forth. For the information analysis, the domain analysis and the taxonomic analysis suggested by Spradley(1980) are used. As a result of the study, the ‘Blended Learning Effects’ include: 1) Review of study in class and complementary study, 2) Inducing interest on dances based on the vivid class reviews, 3) Encouraging objective judgment through the self-reflecting evaluation, 4) Thinking expansion in connection with various learning contents, and 5) Forming attachment via online interactions. The ‘Applicability of the Blended Learning’ examined: 1) A green light of the learner's web accessibility, 2) Learner's positive change on study, 3) Instructor's optimistic prospect, and 4) Complementary measures when applying the Blended Learning.
Key Words
blended learning, high school, dance class, case study
Developing a Measurement Scale of Service Quality for Dance Company 무용단 서비스품질 측정을 위한 척도개발
51(2) 369-377, 2012
Developing a Measurement Scale of Service Quality for Dance Company 무용단 서비스품질 측정을 위한 척도개발
The purpose of this study is to develop a measurement scale of service quality for dance company. this proposed scale of service quality for dance company has been empirically tested with 386 sample subjects, verifying reliability and validity of a measurement scale as well as conducting a confirmatory factor analysis. These elements again were developed into 35 items under a total of 7 component categories according to the dance performance and variables in consideration of the unique characteristics of dance performance as a field of culture and art. The scale of service quality for dance company is based on the seven underlying dimensions: Credibility, Responsiveness, Empathy, Accessibility, Physical evidence, Artistic value, and Unexpected benefits. The study will make contributions to academic achievement of service quality for dance company as well as marketing in terms of exploring differentiation strategy for the sustainable competitive advantage.
Key Words
dance company service quality, internal consistency, confirmatory factor analysis
The Effect of Changing Intensity Between Sets on Agonist Muscle Activity, iEMG, MEF, CK After Bench Press 세트별 강도변화에 따른 벤치프레스 후 주동근의 운동능력, 근활성도(iEMG), 근피로도(MEF) 및 근손상지표(CK)에 미치는 영향
김기홍KiHongKim , 박우영WooYoungPark , 김종신JongShinKim
51(2) 379-387, 2012
The Effect of Changing Intensity Between Sets on Agonist Muscle Activity, iEMG, MEF, CK After Bench Press 세트별 강도변화에 따른 벤치프레스 후 주동근의 운동능력, 근활성도(iEMG), 근피로도(MEF) 및 근손상지표(CK)에 미치는 영향
김기홍KiHongKim , 박우영WooYoungPark , 김종신JongShinKim
The purpose of this study is to find the effect of set intensity changes on agonist muscle activity, iEMG, MEF, and CK after bench press(BP). The eleven college male students subjects received six different methods(①LMH ②LHM ③MLH ④MHL ⑤HML ⑥HLM) of BP, where the intensity was made different in a total of three sets with a two-minute rest interval sets. The three set intensity of BP comprised H(90%-1RM), M(70%-1RM) and L(50%-1RM). The results of BP(70%-1RM) test showed the highest repetition after the exercise in LMH intensity( 8.0±1.3) and the lowest repetition after the exercise in HML intensity(4.8±2.1). The result of EMG(iEMG, MEF)test of agonist during the BP(70%-1RM) different ways of exercise showed no difference in iEMG or MEF in the case of pectoralis major. In the case of triceps brachii, there was a significant and low difference of either iEMG or MEF in some of different ways of exercise. The result of CK showed significant differences in some methods of exercise. To sum up, among the three sets of BP, the LMH intensity has the weakest influence on the change of agonist muscle fitness after exercise. And the change of exercise intensity gives less burden when it transfers from weak to strong, and reduced muscle damage.
Key Words
agonist, iEMG, MEF, CK
Influence of Aging and 10-wk Resistance Training on Anabolic Hormonal Response and Cross-Sectional Area of Quadriceps Muscle in Men 노화와 10주간의 저항성 트레이닝 수행이 남성의 동화 호르몬 농도와 대퇴근 횡단면적에 미치는 영향
51(2) 389-397, 2012
Influence of Aging and 10-wk Resistance Training on Anabolic Hormonal Response and Cross-Sectional Area of Quadriceps Muscle in Men 노화와 10주간의 저항성 트레이닝 수행이 남성의 동화 호르몬 농도와 대퇴근 횡단면적에 미치는 영향
This study was performed to examine the influence of aging and resistance training on anabolic hormonal response and the cross sectional area (CSA) of quadriceps muscle in men. Seven old men(62 ± 4 yr) and seven young men(30 ± 5 yr) participated in this study. Four sets of heavy resistance exercise were performed 2 days/wk for 10 wks. Blood sample was obtained for anabolic hormonal analysis, and the CSA of quadriceps muscle was assessed by computed tomography before and after the training program. The older group exhibited lower resting values of serum growth hormone, free testosterone, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, and lower quadriceps muscle CSA than younger group. With training the younger group demonstrated significant increase in free testosterone whereas, no significant difference was found in older group. Growth hormone and IGF-1 were unchanged in both groups. The CSA of quadriceps muscle was increased in both groups and the percent increases were similar for younger(9.3%) and older group(8.7%). Although younger men, therefore, appear to have more sensitive to hormonal response than older men, the hypertrophic effect of resistance training program appears to be similar between different age groups.
Key Words
aging, weight training, muscle, hormone
Effects of the Muscular Fatigue of Lower Extremities and the Blocked Vision on Postural Control During Bipedal Stance 두발서기 시 하지 근육 피로와 시각정보차단이 자세제어에 미치는 영향
염창홍ChangHongYoum , 김태현TaeHyeonKim
51(2) 399-409, 2012
Effects of the Muscular Fatigue of Lower Extremities and the Blocked Vision on Postural Control During Bipedal Stance 두발서기 시 하지 근육 피로와 시각정보차단이 자세제어에 미치는 영향
염창홍ChangHongYoum , 김태현TaeHyeonKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the muscular fatigue of lower extremities and the blocked vision on postural control during bipedal stance and to find the effects of the muscular fatigue of lower extremities on the change of postural control strategy. Twenty elderly women(age: 70.45±5.7 yrs, height: 154.0±5.8 cm, weight: 58.9±7.3 kg, BMI: 24.8±2.4 kg/㎡) with no orthopedic problem in recent six months and their daily lives were participated. As the results of this study, the induced muscle fatigue of lower extremities showed significant effects in anteroposterior COM velocity, COP velocity, and COP 95% edge frequency in the elderly women, but did not show a significant effect to the mediolateral factors. The blocked vision showed significant effects in anteroposterior and mediolateral COM velocity, COP velocity, and COP 95% edge frequency in the elderly women. To find the difference between the postural control strategy before and after induced muscle fatigue, it is recommended to analyze the trajectories of COM and COP together. In conclusion, the muscular fatigue of lower extremities and the blocked vision in the elderly women reduced the postural control ability and caused the change of the postural control strategy.
Key Words
muscular fatigue, bipedal stance, center of mass, center of pressure, blocked vision
The Technical Analysis of Women High Jumper's Penultimate Stride and Takeoff Motion 여자 높이뛰기 패널티메이트 스트라이드와 발구름 동작에 대한 기술적 특성 분석
김혜영HyeYoungKim , 류재균JaeKyunRyu , 이진택JinTaekLee
51(2) 411-422, 2012
The Technical Analysis of Women High Jumper's Penultimate Stride and Takeoff Motion 여자 높이뛰기 패널티메이트 스트라이드와 발구름 동작에 대한 기술적 특성 분석
김혜영HyeYoungKim , 류재균JaeKyunRyu , 이진택JinTaekLee
The purpose of this study was to provide kinematic variables and technical characteristics of the world elite women high jumpers and compare korean women high jumpers' techniques with them. The subjects of this study were the top 6 high jumpers of the final competition at the 2011 Colorful DaeGu pre-championship meeting. The results showed that high jumpers performed the last two strides of running approach with long-short or short-long styles. The takeoff contact times showed 0.10~0.13 sec. which were shorter than preceding research average 0.14~0.18 sec. The height of the CG at takeoff(H1) of Zheng & Radzvil showed similar to the world elite jumpers’ average CG height with the range of 68.67~68.34 % of the athletes’ body height. Francis's H3(height of CM relative to the bar) was 12.56cm higher than the bar when clearing the bar, but Zheng's & Aitova's CMs relative to the bar were lower than the bar with -0.68cm, -2.05cm respectively. The angle of takeoff was the range of 40 ~ 48 degree which were similar to the takeoff angles of speed-flop.
Key Words
Running Approach, Kinematic, Contact Time, Speed-Flop, Takeoff Angle
Analysis on the Factors of Restraints Against Participation in the Lifetime Sport of Visual and Hearing Impairment 시·청각장애인의 생활체육 참여 제약 요인 분석
구교만KyoManKoo , 오아라AhRaOh
51(2) 423-430, 2012
Analysis on the Factors of Restraints Against Participation in the Lifetime Sport of Visual and Hearing Impairment 시·청각장애인의 생활체육 참여 제약 요인 분석
구교만KyoManKoo , 오아라AhRaOh
The purposes of this study was to investigate into and analyze the restraints throughout the questionnaire against participation in lifetime sports of people with a visual impairment and with a hearing impairment and extract the related factors of restraints occurred in lifetime sports. The participating target of the study were total 271 people with a hearing impairment and with a visual impairment among all in Korea and the related factors of restraints against participation in lifetime sport were surveyed by using open-ended questionnaire. Its data was treated and analyzed with the method of inductive content analysis. The result of the study was analyzed in those followings. First, restricting factors of lifetime sports participation for people with a visual impairment were in the order of participation environment factor, social support environment factor, movement environment factor, individual condition factor and physical & emotional factor within the circumstance factors of exercise participation in the large areas. Then, restricting factors of lifetime sports participation for people with a people with a hearing impairment were in the order of participation environment factor, social support environment factor, physical & emotional factor, individual condition factor and movement environment factor within the circumstance factors of exercise participation in the large areas.
Key Words
deafness, visual impairments, life time sport, constraints
Analysis of Model of Sport for All Participate Behavior with People with Physical Disabilities Applied to the TPB 계획행동이론을 적용한 지체장애인 생활체육 참여행동 모형 분석
51(2) 431-440, 2012
Analysis of Model of Sport for All Participate Behavior with People with Physical Disabilities Applied to the TPB 계획행동이론을 적용한 지체장애인 생활체육 참여행동 모형 분석
The purpose of this study was to positively examine whether people with physical disabilities participation behavior model of sport for all applying the theory of planned behavior was appropriate for explaining the participation behavior of sport for all and to investigate the effects of causality within the variables. For this study, a questionnaire was designed base on the contents of measuring total five sub variables drawn from Lee Hyun Su's(2011) via an expert conference. Through validity and reliability verification, the final questionnaire was developed. For data analysis, used PASW statistics 18.0, this study conducted Cronbach's α analysis and exploratory analysis to verify the questionnaire's validity and reliability. It also used SEM and CFA as well utilizing AMOS Ver. 7.0. The results of this study were shown below. First, according to the result of verifying the appropriateness of this study model, the model for this study was found to be appropriate since its evaluation indexes for the appropriateness of a model, such as Normed χ2, RMR, IFI, TLI, CFI, and RMSEA, satisfied the criteria for acceptance. Second, there was significantly positive (+) effect of behavioral attitudes on behavioral intention, subjective norms on behavioral intention, perceived behavioral control on behavioral intention, behavioral intention on actual behavior, and perceived behavioral control on actual behavior.
Key Words
people with physical disabilities, Participation in sport for all, theory of planed behavior
Effects of Behavior Modification for Complex Exercise and Nutrition Education Providing Feedback on Metabolic Syndrome Related Factors, Adipocytokine and Dietary Intakes in Obese High School Girls 영양교육피드백과 복합운동을 병행한 행동수정이 비만 여고생의 대사증후군 관련인자, 아디포사이토카인 및 식이섭취 변화에 미치는 영향
51(2) 441-451, 2012
Effects of Behavior Modification for Complex Exercise and Nutrition Education Providing Feedback on Metabolic Syndrome Related Factors, Adipocytokine and Dietary Intakes in Obese High School Girls 영양교육피드백과 복합운동을 병행한 행동수정이 비만 여고생의 대사증후군 관련인자, 아디포사이토카인 및 식이섭취 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of behavior modification for complex exercise with nutrition education providing feedback on metabolic syndrome related factors, adipocytokine and dietary intakes in obese high school girls. Participants were(%body fat 30) randomly allocated to diet control group and nutrition education providing feedback group. As complex exercise program, aerobic exercise and resistance exercise was performed 5 times for 12 weeks. Nutrition education providing feedback group was force to save diet notes personally in CAN-pro 2.0, and to calculate food intake and daily nutrient intakes. From the results, positive changes in weight loss, waist circumstance, HDL-C, fasting glucose, adiponectin and leptin levels following behavior modification for complex exercise with nutrition education providing feedback. Complex exercise using nutrition education providing feedback that provides well-balanced energies and calories had more positive effects than diet to minimize the problems in decreasing weight. In conclusion, behavior modification for complex exercise using nutrition education providing feedback effects positively on improvement of obesity by causing decrease of appetite, increase of energy consumption and increase of use of fat that cause decrease weight and break down fat.
The Effects of the Exercise Pattern and Gender on Body Composition in the Obese Elementary Students 운동유형과 성별이 비만초등학생의 신체구성에 미치는 영향
이준호JunHoLee , 구광수KwangSooKoo , 홍예주YeJuHong
51(2) 453-461, 2012
The Effects of the Exercise Pattern and Gender on Body Composition in the Obese Elementary Students 운동유형과 성별이 비만초등학생의 신체구성에 미치는 영향
이준호JunHoLee , 구광수KwangSooKoo , 홍예주YeJuHong
The purpose of the study were to analysis the effects of the exercise pattern and gender on body composition in the obese elementary students. The subjects were obese elementary students of body fat 25% of B city elementary school(4-6grade) and divided into 3groups: rope skipping group(n=31), swimming group(n=28) and control group(n=29). They was take part in regular exercise for 60min in a day, 3times a weeks at the intensity(1-6주 60-70%HRmax, 7-12주 70-80%HRmax). The results to obtain from the study were as follows; First, the swimming exercise was highly effective more than rope skipping exercise for the obese elementary students's body composition change. Second, after the rope skipping exercise, the obese elementary students's body composition change was not significantly effects between male and female, but after the swimming exercise, the obese elementary students's body composition change was significantly effects between male and female. The obese male elementary students's body composition was changed highly effective more than the obese female elementary students's body composition.
Key Words
exercise pattern, gender, body composition, obese elementary students